Evaluation 5 - How did you attract/address your audience?

5. How did you attract/address your audience?
5) the mast head is the main selling point for a magazine because whatever is on the front, is what attracts the audience to buy it. i started by choosing a very large font to stand out against other magazines and attract the buyers eye, i also decided that i would use a girl for the article and mast head as i feel that by using a female it attracts a larger audience, this is because men would buy it as it has a young, good looking and provocative female on the cover but also would push females to buy the magazine as many woman would aspire to look like this beautiful girl and want to know more. I have chosen to keep simplity within the front cover by having the title for the cover story in the same font as 'Thirsty'. I think this keeps sophication and allows it to be clear but not taking the focus away from the main picture. I have kept the barcode in the right corner along with the price so it doesn't effect the effect of the magazine cover. Also on most magazines this is where they are situated so ties it in with a normal magazine cover. I have blurred Anastasia into the background as if she is revealing herself. This mirrors what she is doing within the article as she is opening up and letting the reader in.

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