Evaulation 1 - In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

1) Within my magazine front cover I wanted everything on the cover to stand out and ensure that it was differateated from my competitors. I used a bold masthead so that when on the shelf to be sold you can clearly see the title and it stands out to the audience. When picking the pictures for my magazine i wanted to keep to the mise-en-scene by having the model exposed it targets a larger audience as Males want to see skin and Women aspire to have a perfect body. The model also had 'Thirsty' written all over her body as it draws attention to her body and linking the picture to the name of the magazine. By keeping all the pictures in my magazine of the same model and same costume it links to the main story through out the magazine.
The costumes within my magazine were all modern and provoctative showing that when reading the magazine they are getting to know the real 'Anastasia Scott' this makes the audience think that Anastasia is bearing all and letting us know all about her.
As i feel my magazine is quite sophisticated i decided to use a font to represent this. Also the magazine i got my inspiration from was 'clash' this is partly the reason why i decided to use this font.
Deciding what written content to have inside my magazine proved to be quite difficult as i didnt know what the audience would want, this is why i did the questionaire to find out and gave me my answer, so i done an interview as this is what a large percentage of people wanted.
For my music genre it was quite easy to decide. As my inspiration was 'clash' i used the same sort of music as that but with a little urban edge. the music genre is alternative but with a few other genres which appeal to a larger target audience.
I made the layout as realistic to the magazine clash as possible, this is because my target audience are more likly to buy the magazine if if was similar to something that they already read.
For my contents page i added things that the audience said they would like in my questionaire so that the magazine would appeal to them more. I used a very faded picture of Anastasia as my background to keep the same house style throughout.


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