Magazine Research and Clash magazine research

The colours they have used are very pure, I like this as I feel that it has a lot of style to it but it doesn’t look cheap. A lot of magazines out there are very bold and full of lots of colours which I fell do not look professional and they look tacky. Vibe is modern and makes it look sophisticated even though they use hip hop artists on the cover.
The magazine only ever use one image which I feel is good because it bases it on one person and the reader does not get confused to whom the story is about , they also only use very well-known artists which persuade the customer as it makes them want to buy it and read about them. The pictures on the cover show the artists looking their very best; this makes the customer want to buy the magazine as they may feel attracted to the artist.
The style very much appeals to me as they use basic colours and they only use one image which makes it look like a laid back magazine. Also the magazine is based around hip hop magazine which is one of my favourite genres. The whole magazine looks very contemporary and fresh which I like as it doesn’t look dated and old.
I feel the magazine does draw you in as they use a very large image of a famous artist and this makes me and other people want to look at it. The logo/ name of the magazine is always bold which stands out to repeat purchase customers and also to people who are oblivious to the magazine but it would still stand out in a shop.
The target audience for vibe is people who are interested in hip hop and celebrities. I do not really feel it has a target age as many different ages like hip hop but a lot of people would buy this because of the new and fresh look of the magazine. The magazine speaks to the reader as being new and stylish and it does not look very hard to read, so all reading abilities are able to read.

Vibe contents page:
The contents page is very unusual as the background colour is very plain but the word contents is made to look scrunched up and modern but also quite young and not professional.
The weirdest thing about the contents page is the image, as they have used as its the president of the United States and this makes it look more professional, but at the same time very unexpected which makes the reader want to carry on reading to find more surprises throughout the magazine.

Clash Magazine Research

I have chosen to research the magazine ‘CLASH’. This magazine is a dynamic and independent media group with a diverse live calendar that includes festivals, international music events and also bespoke events organised for brands.

Clash is a multi-award winning music magazine which combines underground and mainstream music which is sold in many shops around the world and produced 12 times per year.

The magazine always use the same house style for the magazine and use the clash name/logo at the top centre which is bold white writing and makes it stand out to the reader as it clashes with the background picture. Clash always use a main image for the magazine and they always use bright colour which also makes this stand out to the reader in front of all the other magazines.

I feel the magazine is very raw and the use of the white writing makes it look very pure with a 70s/80s vibe to it.

On every magazine they usually use an image of a person/model and is shown to be very fashion forward and the shots are very editorial, this catches the eye of people that are interested in fashion as well as people interested in music. The magazine also uses men and woman on the cover which shows that they are selling and promoting to both genders.

The style of this magazine very much appeals to me as I read a lot of fashion magazines such as vogue, Elle etc. even though this magazine is not just about fashion, its interests those who are. The bold and bright colours also interest me as it makes the magazine look fun and exciting to read.

As I have said throughout this review I feel it does draw many people in to it by the use of the bright colours and bold text. The use of the skyline makes the magazine look very professional but the actual magazine is very casual, so this could attract different types of people. This magazine draws people in as it has a brief overview of what’s in the content of the magazine without giving to much information away.

The main target audience for this magazine I feel is for both men and woman aged between 16- 25. I have chosen this audience as I feel it talks about music that is current and also the younger generation fashion. I also feel that the cover of the magazine do not use much text as the younger generation do not like reading too much and having very little text draws them into reading it.

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